Exhibition "Viac tla Ladinia" in Rome at FAO headquarters (Food and Agricolture Organisation of the United Nations)
International mountain day 9-10.12.2010
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The Ladins in Vienna
Ausstellung "Die Ladiner", dai 1 ai 25 de merz, Volkshochschule (VHS) Alsergrund, dala 18.30
Politisches Café: Leben in Mehrheit und Minderheit, 3 de merz, VHS Alsergrund, dala 19.00
Ladinien. Sprache und Literatur, 18 de merz, Literaturhaus Wien, dala 18.30
Ladinien. Land und Leute, 25 de merz, VHS Wien West, dala 20.00
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Opening of the touring exhibition "VIAC TLA LADINIA" in Ortisei, 22.8.2008
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Opening of the touring exhibition "VIAC TLA LADINIA" in La Villa, 28.7.2008
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