During the years a considerable technical library was set up, in which you can find a comprehensive collection of ladin books and publication in other languages about the ladin valleys and ladin topics.
In addition, there are also sections with publications in Swiss Romansh and Friulian, as well as in German, Italian and Slovenian language.
Moreover, you can find books discussing the ladin linguistics and other publications about general linguistics as well. A smaller library was established in the rooms of the headquarters in Selva too.
Thisincludes the most important publications of the mentioned topics. The catalogue of books has been stored on computer. Publications can be found easily by title or the author's name.
Also the tables of content of a part of the book stock have been digitalized and registered.
Opening Hours:
dales 09:00 ales 12:00 y dales 15:00 ales 17:00
Tel.: +39 0474 523110