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L’integrazione tra grammatica e repertorî lessicografici ladini

Forni, Marco/Zoli, Carlo

Descriziun: Ladinia XLVIII, 085–102

Te Gherdëna vá i pröms tentatifs da scrí zoruch al scomenciamënt dl 19ejim secul cun Mathias Ploner. La pröma gramatica descritiva stampada de n idiom ladin dolomitich é chëra dl fascian Josef Anton Vian (1864). I proiec lessicografics y gramaticai plü rezënc dl Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü é ­na espresciun concreta dl lian strënt danter la gramatica y le dizionar. La publicaziun dla gramatica püc agn do le dizionar, trami te na verjiun online, dá la poscibilité da integré dër bun les döes dimenjiuns. Döt chësc é gnü arjunt tres n sistem de referimënc ipertestuai, olache vigni parora che vëgn dant tla gramatica deura sö, tres n clich scëmpl, la scheda che corespogn tl dizionar. Le dizionar é le stromënt ch’an tol ca atira y le plü gonot, nia ma por capí le significat dles parores, mo ince por stlarí malsegurëzes gramaticales. La competënza de chël che baia ne se limitëia nia a listes de parores memorisades; l’imparé n lingaz vëgn stimolé da elemënc liá da relaziuns, coliamënc gramaticai y sintatics. Le plugin, adaté a nüsc bojëgns dala Smallcodes de Firenze, se conzentrëia söla dimenjiun testuala y nia ma lessicala dl lingaz ladin y comunichëia bun cun le talian y cun le todësch. Por vigni lema y vigni forma coniugada él na integraziun completa cun le dizionar online, le coniugadú di verbs, le coretur ortografich, la banca dac dla fraseologia y la pronunzia dla parora.

In Val Gardena, the first hesitant approaches to writing date back to the beginning of the 19th century with Mathias Ploner. The first printed descriptive grammar of a Dolomite-Ladin language was produced by Josef Anton Vian from Val di Fassa: Gröden, der Grödner und seine Sprache (1864). The most recent projects related to lexicography and grammar of the Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü are a concrete expression of the close connection between grammar and dictionary. The publication of the grammar a few years after the dictionary (both available in online format) facilitates the integration of the two dimensions. This can be achieved by a system of hypertext references, thanks to which each term in the grammar opens a corresponding tab in the dictionary by means of a simple click. The dictionary is the tool most often and immediately used not only to understand the meaning of words, but also to solve grammatical uncertainties. The speaker’s competence is not reduced to lists of memorised words. The learning of a language is subject to stimulation through elements linked by relationships, grammatical and syntactic connections. The plug-in programme, adapted to our needs by Smallcodes in Florence, focuses on the textual rather than only the lexical dimension of the Ladin language and interacts effectively with Italian and German. For each lemma and each conjugated form, full integration with the online dictionary is achieved, as well as with the verb conjugator, the spell-checker, the phraseology database and the word’s pronunciation.

Lingaz: IT

Data: 2024

Autur: Forni, Marco/Zoli, Carlo

Copyright: Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü - ISSN 1124-1004
