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Titul: Sulla definizione di coerenza testuale. Dizionari e ricerca a confronto verso un modello operativo per le classi del ciclo superiore
Sulla definizione di coerenza testuale. Dizionari e ricerca a confronto verso un modello operativo per le classi del ciclo superiore
Lorenzo, Zanasi/Arianna, Bienati/Chiara, Vettori
Descriziun: Ladinia XLVIII, 243–256
La parora coerënza, te so significat testual, vëgn codificada tl setur spezialisé dla linguistica tres definiziuns che s’un sënt dles oscilaziuns metüdes a jí da iade a iade dales reflesciuns teoriches desvalies. Ti repertori lessicografics generai dl’adoranza linguistica ne conëscion indere nia fora chësta eterogenité, y gonot vëgn la parora indicada te na manira parziala o generica, aladô di bojëgns di insegnanc o di studënc che consultëia le lema. Pian ia dal’analisa diacronica y sincronica dla parora, tres la spligaziun de n valgönes ressurses lessicografiches (ince spezialistiches) y tres l’aplicaziun de modei teorics, nes tolunse dant da alzé fora tres chësc contribut i significac che pó daidé i insegnanc de talian y de d’atri lingac da adoré na definiziun de coerënza dl test por la scritöra te scora.
The term coherence, in its textual meaning, is codified in the specialist field of linguistics by definitions that are affected by the fluctuations triggered from time to time by various theoretical reflections. In the common lexicographical repertoires of usage, however, this heterogeneity does not manifest itself and the term is often designated in a partial or generic manner for the needs of teachers or students consulting the lemma. Starting from the diachronic and synchronic analysis of the term, through the exemplification of some lexicographic resources (also specialised ones) and through the application of theoretical models, this contribution aims at highlighting the meanings that can guide teachers of Italian and other languages in the use of a definition of textual coherence for school writing.
La parora coerënza, te so significat testual, vëgn codificada tl setur spezialisé dla linguistica tres definiziuns che s’un sënt dles oscilaziuns metüdes a jí da iade a iade dales reflesciuns teoriches desvalies. Ti repertori lessicografics generai dl’adoranza linguistica ne conëscion indere nia fora chësta eterogenité, y gonot vëgn la parora indicada te na manira parziala o generica, aladô di bojëgns di insegnanc o di studënc che consultëia le lema. Pian ia dal’analisa diacronica y sincronica dla parora, tres la spligaziun de n valgönes ressurses lessicografiches (ince spezialistiches) y tres l’aplicaziun de modei teorics, nes tolunse dant da alzé fora tres chësc contribut i significac che pó daidé i insegnanc de talian y de d’atri lingac da adoré na definiziun de coerënza dl test por la scritöra te scora.
The term coherence, in its textual meaning, is codified in the specialist field of linguistics by definitions that are affected by the fluctuations triggered from time to time by various theoretical reflections. In the common lexicographical repertoires of usage, however, this heterogeneity does not manifest itself and the term is often designated in a partial or generic manner for the needs of teachers or students consulting the lemma. Starting from the diachronic and synchronic analysis of the term, through the exemplification of some lexicographic resources (also specialised ones) and through the application of theoretical models, this contribution aims at highlighting the meanings that can guide teachers of Italian and other languages in the use of a definition of textual coherence for school writing.
Lingaz: IT
Data: 2024
Autur: Lorenzo, Zanasi/Arianna, Bienati/Chiara, Vettori
Copyright: Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü - ISSN 1124-1004