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Proporre una grammatica per una lingua di minoranza: l’esempio del ladino della Val Badia

Ruth, Videsott

Descriziun: Ladinia XLVIII, 221–242

L’articul presentëia n valgönes conscidraziuns en cunt dla redaziun dla gramatica dl ladin dla Val Badia. Ara se trata, te n pröm momënt, de stlarí les chestiuns teoriches de basa de n stromënt gramaticografich por na comunité linguistica de mendranza, che roda incër na discusciun plü ampla de norma y variaziun linguistica ia. Implü vëgnel ince sotrissé l’importanza da avëi dan man dac dl ladin scrit y rajoné, por podëi analisé l’adoranza concreta dl lingaz te contesć de comunicaziun desvalis. L’articul se stlüj jö cun la presentaziun de trëi ejëmpli concrec de coche variaziun y normaziun pó gní afrontades te na gramatica por le plü normativa.

This study presents reflections on developing a grammar of Val Badia Ladin. For minority languages undergoing processes of standardisation and normalisation primarily based on the synchronic system of the language, the creation of a normative grammar for the linguistic community necessitates a discussion on the interplay between the norm and linguistic variation. Furthermore, the paper casts some light on the significance of acquiring both written and oral data to comprehensively analyse language use within various communicative contexts. Lastly, three examples are provided to delineate the challenges concerning variation and normativity within a mainly normative grammar.

Lingaz: IT

Data: 2024

Autur: Ruth, Videsott

Copyright: Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü - ISSN 1124-1004
