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Il Sistema informativo per la terminologia giuridica bistro: funzionalità e potenzialità

Ralli, Natascia/Stanizzi, Isabella

Descriziun: Ladinia XLVIII, 179–202

bistro é le Sistem informatif por la terminologia iuridica tl talian, todësch y ladin cherié dal I​stitut de Linguistica Aplicada de Eurac Research. Al á le fin da deslarié fora la terminologia iuridica te Südtirol y da sostigní la comunicaziun internazionala. Al dess podëi gní adoré da n publich desfarenzié che vá dai profescionisć dl dërt ai traduturs, dai studënc a düc i zitadins che á debojëgn de n sostëgn da capí y da traslaté tesć y documënc iuridics. Ci che desfarenziëia bistro da d’atres ressurses terminologiches é la conscidraziun sistematica dles varietés desvalies dl todësch y dl ladin. Pro vigni parora todëscia publicada te bistro vëgnel mostré te ci ordinamënt iuridich ch’ara vëgn adorada (p. ej. Austria, Germania, Svizera, Südtirol). Le medemo vel por les parores ladines, che vëgn amarsciades aladô de süa varieté idiomatica. Te chësc articul vëgnel descrit bistro ciaran dantadöt ai contignüs, ales funziuns, ai aprofondimënc y traverc. Al vëgn porchël presenté plü avisa i pinsiers metodologics ch’an s’á fat danfora por svilupé na ressursa terminologica de chësta sort. Al vëgn spo ince ciaré ales funziuns de inrescida y de filter aladô dl lingaz, dl sistem iuridich y dl setur iuridich. N’atenziun particolara ti vëgn dada ai criters de formulaziun dles definiziuns, na categoria de dac importanta. Inultima vëgnel ciamó dé indicaziuns sön i svilups y les prospetives dl dagní.

bistro is the Information System for Legal Terminology in Italian, German and Ladin created by the Institute for Applied Linguistics of Eurac Research. It aims at disseminating legal terminology in South Tyrol and supporting international communication. It targets a diversified audience, from law professionals to translators and from students to any citizen who needs support in understanding and translating legal texts and documents. What distinguishes bistro from other terminological resources is that it systematically takes into consideration the different varieties of German and Ladin. Each German term published in bistro includes an indication of which legal system(s) use(s) the term (i.a. Austria, Germany, Switzerland, South Tyrol). The same applies to Ladin terms that are marked according to which language variety they belong to. In this article, we will describe bistro focusing on its content, functions, approach and objectives. We will look in depth at the preliminary methodological reflections for developing a termino­logical resource of this kind. We will pay particular attention to the search and filter functions by language, legal system and legal domain. A particular focus will be laid on the criteria for formulating definitions, an important data category. Finally, we will give insights into future developments and perspectives.

Lingaz: IT

Data: 2024

Autur: Ralli, Natascia/Stanizzi, Isabella

Copyright: Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü - ISSN 1124-1004
