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Il contatto linguistico nel dizionario: italianismi e lessicografia digitale

Heinz, Matthias

Descriziun: Ladinia XLVIII, 163–178

Le contat linguistich é da odëi fora, te na pröma odlada, tl lessich, olach’al vëgn a s’al dé situaziuns d’imprëst de deplü sorts. Coche püc d’atri lingac á le talian dagnora albü y á tres ciamó na pert fondamentala coche lingaz de contat. Porchël él tröc talianisms ti lingac dl monn che arichësc sides i lingac de setur co le lessich da vigni de. I dizionars é le post olach’al vëgn documenté plü saurí i influsc dl lessich da d’atri lingac, cis tla categoria di imprësć lessicai, che é sëgn da ciafé feter dagnora coche ressursa digitala. Pro chësta categoria él na sort nöia de repertore digitalisé di imprësć coche le Osservatorio degli Italianismi nel Mondo (OIM), n osservadú di talianisms en forma de na linia de banches dac coliades, che pormët da confronté i lingac de contat desvalis en relaziun cun i resultac y i faturs spezifics di contac culturai y linguistics tla storia. L’articul descrí la fenomenologia di talianisms, la metodologia y la strotöra dla banca dac y n valgügn caji ejemplars de imprësć dal talian te deplü lingac, dantadöt tl todësch.

Linguistic contact manifests itself primarily in the vocabulary, giving rise to phenomena of loanwords of various kinds. Like few other languages, Italian has had and continues to play a prominent role as a contact language. As a consequence many Italian loanwords can be found in the world’s languages, enriching both sectorial languages and the common vocabulary. The preferred place to document lexical influences from other idioms are dictionaries, especially dictionaries of loanwords, now available in digital format. A new type are parallel digital repertoires such as the Osservatorio degli Italianismi nel Mondo (OIM), which, based on interconnected databases, make it possible to observe the importance of the phenomenon in a given language and to make interlinguistic comparisons with respect to the results and specific factors of historical-cultural contacts. The contribution describes the phenomenology of Italianisms, the methodology and structure of the database, and some exemplary cases of borrowings from Italian by other languages, including German.

Lingaz: IT

Data: 2024

Autur: Heinz, Matthias

Copyright: Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü - ISSN 1124-1004
