Sort de documënt: Revista Ladinia
Titul: Cenni intorno alla scripta friulana medievale e notizia dell’Inventarium Bitini
Cenni intorno alla scripta friulana medievale e notizia dell’Inventarium Bitini
Rovere, Serena
Descriziun: Ladinia XLVII, 273–286
Ince tl caje dl Friul rapresentëia i documënc d’anuzamënt pratich la fontana de majer interes por le stüde dl lingaz popolar originar. Ara se trata de na produziun che vëgn majera tl tëmp danter la secunda pert dl 14ejim y la pröma pert dl 15ejim secul y che respidlëia na situaziun soziolinguistica spezifica, caraterisada dala sostituziun progressiva dl confrunt danter furlan y latin cun chël danter furlan y tosco-venet. Chësta situaziun se respidlëia ince ti documënc de chël tëmp, che vá ia y ca danter l’interferënza de modei alternatifs plü o manco cajuai y na pratica plü cosciënta y sozialmënter deslariada fora da scrí por furlan, che vëgn chirí fora coche lingaz da scrí documënc aministratifs y contabli. N ejëmpl é le fruçon (‘framënt’) che vëgn nominé, che mostra bele sö te n pröm momënt deplü elemënc interessanc, nia inultima por le fat ch’al documentëia n lingaz amesaite, mez latin o mez leterar, ch’an pó reporté al laur de mediaziun de n intermediar bun istruí – le notar redadú – che á adaté la gramatica te na manira ch’ara foss da capí ince por chi che n’ê nia istruis.
In the case of Friuli, too, documents of practical use represent the source of greatest interest for the study of the ancient vernacular language. Their production increased between the second half of the 14th and the first half of the 15th century. It reflects specific sociolinguistic circumstances that saw opposition between Friulian and Latin being progressively replaced by opposition between Friulian and Tuscan-Venetian. This situation is reflected in the documents of the period. They oscillate between the interference of more or less influential alternative models and a more conscious and socially widespread practice of writing in Friulian, choosing it as the linguistic code in administrative and accounting documents. An example is the fruçon “fragment” which even on a preliminary level shows various elements of interest, not least of all the fact that it exhibits an intermediate language, semi-Latin or semi-vulgar. This can be attributed to the work of mediation of a sophisticated intermediary – the notary editor – who arranged the gramatica in order to make it comprehensible even to those less educated.
Ince tl caje dl Friul rapresentëia i documënc d’anuzamënt pratich la fontana de majer interes por le stüde dl lingaz popolar originar. Ara se trata de na produziun che vëgn majera tl tëmp danter la secunda pert dl 14ejim y la pröma pert dl 15ejim secul y che respidlëia na situaziun soziolinguistica spezifica, caraterisada dala sostituziun progressiva dl confrunt danter furlan y latin cun chël danter furlan y tosco-venet. Chësta situaziun se respidlëia ince ti documënc de chël tëmp, che vá ia y ca danter l’interferënza de modei alternatifs plü o manco cajuai y na pratica plü cosciënta y sozialmënter deslariada fora da scrí por furlan, che vëgn chirí fora coche lingaz da scrí documënc aministratifs y contabli. N ejëmpl é le fruçon (‘framënt’) che vëgn nominé, che mostra bele sö te n pröm momënt deplü elemënc interessanc, nia inultima por le fat ch’al documentëia n lingaz amesaite, mez latin o mez leterar, ch’an pó reporté al laur de mediaziun de n intermediar bun istruí – le notar redadú – che á adaté la gramatica te na manira ch’ara foss da capí ince por chi che n’ê nia istruis.
In the case of Friuli, too, documents of practical use represent the source of greatest interest for the study of the ancient vernacular language. Their production increased between the second half of the 14th and the first half of the 15th century. It reflects specific sociolinguistic circumstances that saw opposition between Friulian and Latin being progressively replaced by opposition between Friulian and Tuscan-Venetian. This situation is reflected in the documents of the period. They oscillate between the interference of more or less influential alternative models and a more conscious and socially widespread practice of writing in Friulian, choosing it as the linguistic code in administrative and accounting documents. An example is the fruçon “fragment” which even on a preliminary level shows various elements of interest, not least of all the fact that it exhibits an intermediate language, semi-Latin or semi-vulgar. This can be attributed to the work of mediation of a sophisticated intermediary – the notary editor – who arranged the gramatica in order to make it comprehensible even to those less educated.
Lingaz: IT
Data: 2023
Autur: Rovere, Serena
Copyright: Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü - ISSN 1124-1004