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“Wir wollen hoffen, dass es nicht so lange dauert…”
Feldpostkorrespondenzkarten, Korrespondenzkarten für Kriegsgefangene und Briefe der Brüder Crepaz aus den Jahren 1915–1918

Rampold, Reinhard

Descriziun: Ladinia XLV, 049–094

Deperpo che i gragn evënc dla Pröma vera dl monn é bele gnüs laurá sö adora a livel scientifich, ne ti él por dezens alalungia gnü dé feter degöna importanza ales “stories da vigni de” che tacâ adöm cun la vera. Impormó ti ultimi agn é chësc ­aspet gnü odü sciöche pert integranta dla storia dl teritore y é porchël ince te Tirol y tl Trentin gnü tematisé a livel scientifich. Deplü zircostanzes fortunades á porté pro ch’al gniss tigní sö n bel poch de chertes y lëtres militares de Felix, Candidus y Albin Crepaz, che ê stá te vera püch dalunc da Lasta olach’ai ê daciasa, sön Col de Lana y sön le Sief, da olach’ai â odü dër da daimpró les conseguënzes dla vera sön süa patria y sön sü familiars. I scric tignis sö dá, ince sc’al mancia les lëtres de resposta, la poscibilité da capí bun les dificoltés psichiches y fisiches de n soldá scëmpl, da capí tan ch’al se cruziâ por sü familiars y vijins y é porchël n documënt important dla storia da vignidé de Tirol tratan la Pröma vera dl monn.

While the major events of the First World War were scientifically examined early on, the “everyday stories” associated with the war received little attention for decades. It is only in recent years that this aspect has been recognised as an integral part of history and has also been the subject of academic research in Tyrol and Trentino. Luckily, an extensive collection of field postcards and field letters from Felix, Candidus and Albin Crepaz has been preserved. They were deployed as soldiers on Col di Lana and the Siefsattel in the immediate vicinity of their hometown Lasta, and experienced the impact of the war on their homeland and their relatives at first hand. The preserved documents – even though the letters of reply are missing – give a deep insight into the psychological and physical problems of an ordinary soldier, as well as the concern for his relatives and neighbours, and are thus an important evidence of the everyday history of Tyrol during the First World War.

Lingaz: DE

Data: 2021

Autur: Rampold, Reinhard

Copyright: Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü - ISSN 1124-1004
