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La redazione di dizionari bilingui. Confronto fra differenti sistemi linguistici sull’esempio dei recenti dizionari editi dall’Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü

Frenademez, Ulrike

Descriziun: Ladinia XLVIII, 103–117

Le plurilinguism á deplü vantaji, coch’al vëgn ince desmostré da stüdi fac ti ultimi agn. Porimpó sozedel che chës porsones che baia y alda vigni de deplü idioms, se sëntes malsigüdes da i baié y da i scrí. Se dé jö tres indô cun deplü lingac pó ince porté pro da fá fai tl lingaz dla uma, tolon sö parores di atri ­lingac o interferënzes linguistiches. Tl articul vëgnel presenté le laur de redaziun de n valgönes schedes di ultimi dizionars te dui lingac dá fora dal Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü. Da lauré sön dizionars te dui lingac se dán jö cun deplü sistems lin­guistics, che á datrai les medemes carateristiches y datrai ince nia. Le confrunt danter lingac desvalis dëida indere da svilupé na maiú capazité metalinguistica, da analisé plü avisa so lingaz.

Although the advantages of multilingualism are important, recent studies have shown that those who interact with several idioms on a daily basis may perceive insecurities in practising the languages they know. The daily confrontation of different idioms may even compromise the correct use of one’s own idiom, considering the many linguistic interferences. The article illustrates examples of this phenomenon by examining the editing of some entries in the latest bilingual dictionaries of the
Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü. The focus is on the comparison of different language systems – Ladin, Italian and German. Comparing the different idioms contributes to the development of greater metalinguistic capacity and a deeper analysis of one’s own language.

Lingaz: IT

Data: 2024

Autur: Frenademez, Ulrike

Copyright: Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü - ISSN 1124-1004
