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Il contributo del lessico patrimoniale all’ampliamento del vocabolario Ladin Standard. Appunti di lavoro e considerazioni occasionali

Chiocchetti, Fabio

Descriziun: Ladinia XLVII, 247–272

Le laur d’adatamënt al Ladin Standard de 11 cunties fascianes (en pert fora dla tradiziun orala, en pert elaborades danü a livel leterar), che é gnü fat por na racoiüda de liëndes ladines inviada ia dala Union Generela di Ladins dla Dolomites, á pité l’ocajiun da delinié na prospetiva de laur por ativé y ajorné le Dizionar dl Ladin Standard (DLS, 2002), l’opera lessicografica che é dötaurela le model de basa por le “lingaz scrit unitar” dla comunité ladina.
Pian ia da parores rades y nia publicades fora di tesć fascians ejaminá, proponn l’analisa n confrunt avisa cun variantes te idioms ladins y periladins desvalis, da chi ch’al vëgn fora integraziuns da podëi tó y retifiches che pó porté a n ampliamënt da s’audé dl DLS, che pois adöm cun le svilup dla terminologia moderna ince tó en conscidraziun elemënc fora dl lessich patrimonial di idioms locai.

Work on an adaptation of 11 contìes from the Fassa Valley (in part of direct oral tradition, in part reworked in a literary way) to Standard Ladin was carried out for a collection of Ladin legends as promoted by the Union Generela di Ladins dla Dolomites. It has helped to outline a working perspective aimed at implementing and updating the Dizionar dl Ladin Standard (DLS, 2002), the standard reference lexicographical work on the “common written language” of the Ladin community.
Starting from rare and unpublished expressions in the texts examined, the ­analysis offers an accurate comparison of variants in several Ladin idioms and neighbouring dialects. This may lead to possible additions and corrections. The ultimate aim is an expansion of the DLS, which, alongside the evolution of ­modern terminology, could also consider contributions from the heritage ­dictionary of local idioms.

Lingaz: IT

Data: 2023

Autur: Chiocchetti, Fabio

Copyright: Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü - ISSN 1124-1004
