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Il policy making dell’Euregio Tirolo–Alto Adige–Trentino. La politica europea di sviluppo regionale come opportunità di tutela e di coesione della minoranza linguistica ladina

Pescosta, Werner

Descriziun: Ladinia XLVII, 167–212

Pian ia da n valgönes conscidraziuns sön la storia di ladins dal tëmp do la Gran Vera inant y sön la situaziun da sëgn dla mendranza, ciaron da valuté percursc da podëi tó por rové a na sconanza che podess favorisé le svilup y dantadöt la coejiun danter les comunités ladines sura i confins provinziai y regionai fora. Da jí de chësc vers podess daidé la “moda” europeista nöia da valorisé les mendranzes dl’Uniun Europeica, ajach’ares rapresentëia n patrimone cultural scialdi important. Al vëgn porchël ejaminé n valgönes poscibilités pitades dales politiches europeiches nöies de svilup y de coejiun regionala, ciaran dantadöt al Grup Europeich de Coejiun Teritoriala (GECT) Euregio Tirol-Südtirol-Trentin, che ciafa süa fondamënta iuridica tl Regolamënt UE 1082/2006. Chësc organism de policy making, che á n podëi politich, podess de fat lauré fora n program d’aziun che toles ite deplü les organisaziuns y istituziuns dla mendranza ladina, portan ince pro da mioré le coordinamënt dles iniziatives desvalies y la coejiun dla mendranza instëssa.

Starting with a review of the history of the Ladins from the first post-war period onwards and of the current situation faced by the minority, an attempt is made to evaluate possible paths towards protection. These could favor the development and, above all, cohesion among Ladin communities by reaching across provincial and regional borders. This process could be helped by the recent Europeanist “fashion” of placing greater value on the status of minorities in the European Union because they represent an important cultural heritage. Hence several ­opportunities offered by the new European development and regional cohesion policies are examined, with special reference to the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) Euregio Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino and its legal basis (EU Regulation 1082/2006). This policy-making body is endowed with political power and therefore able to draw up an action program which would include the organizations and institutions of the Ladin minority to a greater extent than before. This would contribute to improve the coordination of the various initiatives and the cohesion among members of the minority.

Lingaz: IT

Data: 2023

Autur: Pescosta, Werner

Copyright: Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü - ISSN 1124-1004
