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L’equivocità di una lingua come motivo di marginalità politica: il caso del ladino sellano-ampezzano

Ruggeri, Matteo

Descriziun: Ladinia XLVII, 121–165

Tres la storia personala de Vincenzo “Zenz” Mussner vëgnel splighé n valgönes gaujes storiches che á porté pro che i ladins dolomitics gniss aratá demanco co i atri dai movimënc politics nazionalisć. Pian ia dala conscidraziun ch’an ti á dagnora ma dé pücia importanza al protagonist, ch’al é gnü traté te deplü situaziuns coche n stromënt por deplü fins y ince coche n forest, vëgnel porvé da desmostré ch’al n’ê nia ma ël te chë condiziun, mo ince düc sü compaejans. La storia de Zenz vëgn porchël acompagnada da n’analisa di raporc danter le nazionalism modern y la popolaziun ladina, pian ia da amesa l’Otcënt. Ala fin vëgnel fat l’ipotesa che la gauja dla pücia crëta ti confrunc de Zenz ê na conseguënza dla pücia comprenjiun por le lingaz ladin y dla mancianza de na colocaziun politica tlera dla mendranza ladina.

The life story of Vincenzo “Zenz” Mussner sheds light on factors deeply rooted in history that have contributed to the marginalized status of the Ladins of the Dolomites in relation to nationalistic movements. Starting from the premise that the protagonist’s role was characterized by political unreliability, it is demonstrated how he faced insignificance, instrumentalization and alienation. The analysis illustrates how the conditions experienced by Zenz affected not only him but also his fellow countrymen. Zenz’s experiences are then examined against the context of the connection between nationalism and the Ladin population, especially from the mid-nineteenth century onwards. In conclusion it is argued that Zenz’s political marginalization stemmed from poor understanding of the Ladin language and the absence of a clear political position on behalf of the Ladin minority.

Lingaz: IT

Data: 2023

Autur: Ruggeri, Matteo

Copyright: Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü - ISSN 1124-1004
