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11D1 Three Chinese men with a double bass

Descrizione: 11D1 – How about singing? – André Comploi

Three Chinese men with a double bass
playing on the highway with a smiling face –
an officer comes shouting: „Leave this risky place!“
Three Chinese men with a double bass.

Repeat singing on vocals/diphtongs: ee, eye, aye, ou, ow …

Categorie: Canti e filastrocche infantili

Lingua: EN

Data: 10.08.2018

Autori: André Comploi – dessëgns: Matteo Rubatscher

Rilevatore: M: tradizionala todëscia, T de (orig. „Drei Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass“): popolar; la|it|en: André Comploi

Esecutori: Usc: Mattia Lezuo – Stromënc: Priska Comploi, Marion Palfrader, Hannes Comploi, André Comploi, Emma Moling, Gustav Mangutsch

Copyright: Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü 2018
