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08D1 The birds’ marriage

Descrizione: 08D1 – How about singing? – André Comploi

Once in the woods a bird declared
That he would marry_and be prepared.
Fidiralala, fidiralala, fidiralalalala!

The throstle was the handsome groom
the blackbird-bride was in full bloom.

The sparrowhawk as best man tried
To be_a fair buckler to the bride.

She was escorted by the lark,
They stepped towards the church of bark.

The capercaillie wore a hood
As docile chaplain of the wood.

The titmouse sang with mystic voice:
„O come, you birds, and cheer, rejoice!“

The geese and ducks around the lake
As minstrels played without a break.

The peacock started soon to prance
and proudly was the first to dance.

The turkeys all began to cluck
But then at once exclaimed: „Good luck!“.

The chicken wished a wedded bliss
And gave the pair a parting kiss.

Then, touched by so much love, the owl
Began to weep, to cry, to howl.

The finch prepared the cosy nest
Whereto the couple went to rest.

The eagle owl up in the air
Began to close the blinds with care.

The cock said: „Thank you all, it’s late!
Farewell, the feast was really great!“

The wedding of the birds ends here,
Thank you for lending me an ear.

Categorie: Canti e filastrocche infantili

Lingua: EN

Data: 10.08.2018

Autori: André Comploi – dessëgns: Matteo Rubatscher

Rilevatore: M: tradizionala dala Slesia T de (orig. „Ein Vogel wollte Hochzeit feiern“): popolar; la|it|en: André Comploi

Esecutori: Usc: Marcus Costalunga – Stromënc: Priska Comploi, Marion Palfrader, Hannes Comploi, André Comploi, Emma Moling, Gustav Mangutsch

Copyright: Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü 2018
