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07D1 The cuckoo and the donkey

Descrizione: 07D1 – How about singing? – André Comploi

The cuckoo and the donkey,
Are bickering on their way:
Who’d be the better singer, who’d be the better singer
Now in the month of May, now in the month of May.

The cuckoo speaks: „I’m better!“
And screeches, yells and frays.
„But I’m for sure the best one, but I’m for sure the best one!“
The donkey joins and brays, the donkey joins and brays.

It sounds so sweet and lovely,
So kind from near and far,
As they both sing together, as they both sing together,
Cuckoo, cuckoo, i-ah, cuckoo, cuckoo, i-ah!

Categorie: Canti e filastrocche infantili

Lingua: EN

Data: 10.08.2018

Autori: André Comploi – dessëgns: Matteo Rubatscher

Rilevatore: M: Carl Friedrich Zelter T de (orig. „Der Kuckuck und der Esel“): August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben; la|en|it: André Comploi

Esecutori: Usc: Luianta Clara – Stromënc: Priska Comploi, Marion Palfrader, Hannes Comploi, André Comploi, Emma Moling, Gustav Mangutsch

Copyright: Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü 2018
